Image of biodegradable makeup remover wipes made of bamboo
Image of makeup remover wipes

At the end of a glamourous day, it’s time to bid adieu to the foundation, concealer, primer, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner and other makeup products that we have used to enhance our beauty. But before we hit the pillow, it’s crucial that we remove every trace of makeup from our skin. A good way to achieve this is by using makeup remover wipes. Makeup remover wipes have become a popular choice for many people when it comes to removing makeup quickly and easily. These wipes are pre-moistened with a solution that is designed to break down and remove makeup. It will leave the skin feeling clean and refreshed. In this article, we will explore the types of makeup remover wipes, and provide some tips on how to use them effectively and a lot more.

Different Types of Makeup Remover Wipes

Makeup remover wipes come in various types, each with its own set of benefits. Some of the most common types include:

1. Oil-based wipes

These wipes contain oils such as coconut, olive, or argan oil. They are effective at breaking down and removing heavy makeup and waterproof products. They also help to moisturize the skin and leave it feeling soft and hydrated.

2. Cleansing wipes

These wipes contain ingredients such as glycerin and aloe vera. They help to cleanse the skin and remove makeup, dirt, and impurities. They are suitable for all skin types . Moreover, you can use them as a quick and convenient alternative to a traditional cleanser.

3. Micellar wipes

These wipes contain micellar water. It is a gentle cleansing solution that removes makeup and impurities without the need for rinsing. They are suitable for sensitive skin and are also great for removing waterproof makeup.

4. Biodegradable wipes

These wipes are made from natural, biodegradable materials such as bamboo or cotton. They are environmentally friendly and you can compost after use.

5. Exfoliating wipes

These wipes contain gentle exfoliating agents, such as lactic acid or glycolic acid. They help to remove dead skin cells and leave the skin looking smooth and refreshed.

6. Vitamin-enriched wipes

These wipes contain vitamins and antioxidants that help to nourish and protect the skin while removing makeup.

Overall, when choosing a makeup remover wipe, it’s important to consider your skin type and preferences and look for ingredients that will work well with your skin and for the purpose you are using them for.

How To Properly Use Makeup Remover Wipes

Using makeup remover wipes properly is essential for effectively removing makeup and keeping your skin healthy and clear. Here are some tips on how to use makeup remover wipes correctly:

  1. Start by removing any loose makeup or debris from your skin with a gentle cleanser. This will help to remove surface dirt and impurities. As a result, it will make it easier for the makeup remover wipes to effectively remove the rest of your makeup.
  2. Take one wipe and gently wipe it over your face. Focus on areas where you have applied the most makeup, such as around the eyes and on the lips. Be sure to avoid rubbing your skin too hard, as this can cause irritation.
  3. Use a second wipe if necessary, making sure to remove all traces of makeup from your skin. Pay attention to the lashes, eyelids and around the eyes, as these areas are very delicate.
  4. Once you have removed all of your makeup, rinse your face with lukewarm water or use a toner. This will help to remove any remaining impurities and restore your skin’s natural pH balance.
  5. Follow up with your usual skincare routine, including moisturizer, to hydrate and nourish the skin.
  6. Use a new makeup remover wipe each time you remove your makeup. Do not reuse wipes as they can be unhygienic and may cause irritation.

It’s also important to read the instructions on the packaging of the makeup remover wipes that you are using, as some types may have different usage instructions. Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, it’s important to test the wipes on a small area of skin before using them all over your face to ensure that you don’t experience any adverse reactions.

How to Remove Waterproof Makeup with Makeup Remover Wipes

Removing waterproof makeup can be a tricky task, but using makeup remover wipes can make the process much easier. These wipes break down and remove even the most stubborn of waterproof makeup products. This will leave your skin clean and makeup-free. However, it’s important to use them correctly in order to avoid irritation or dryness. In this section, we’ll go over the steps for removing waterproof makeup with makeup remover wipes.

  1. Begin by gently wiping the makeup remover wipe over your closed eyelids, being careful not to rub too hard or pull at the skin.
  2. Next, move on to your cheeks, chin, and forehead, wiping in circular motions to break down the makeup.
  3. For tougher areas of waterproof makeup, such as mascara or liquid eyeliner, hold the wipe on the area for a few seconds before wiping to allow the remover to break down the product.
  4. Repeat these steps until the wipe comes away clean and all traces of makeup have been removed.
  5. Finally, rinse your face with warm water to remove any remaining residue from the makeup remover.

It’s important to note that makeup remover wipes can dry out quickly, so make sure to close the package tightly after using them. Also, you should always test the product on a small area of skin before using it all over your face. If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to opt for gentle, oil-based removers. And avoid rubbing your skin too hard to avoid irritation.

How to Make Your Own Homemade Makeup Remover Wipes

Making your own homemade makeup remover wipes is a simple and cost-effective alternative to store-bought wipes. Here is a basic recipe for making your own makeup remover wipes:

  1. First, you will need a roll of paper towels, a pair of scissors, a container with a lid (such as a plastic storage container or a jar with a tight-fitting lid), and your choice of makeup remover solution.
  2. Next, cut the paper towels into squares that are roughly the size of store-bought makeup remover wipes. You can make them as big or as small as you like, depending on your needs.
  3. Now you have to prepare the makeup remover solution: There are many different options for the makeup remover solution you can use. A popular choice is a mixture of equal parts water and witch hazel, which is gentle on the skin and effective at removing makeup. You can also use a mixture of water and baby shampoo, or a mixture of water and coconut oil.
  4. Place the cut paper towels in your container and pour your makeup remover solution over them. Make sure the solution is evenly distributed and the paper towels are fully saturated.
  5. Close the lid tightly on the container and store the wipes in a cool, dry place.
  6. When you’re ready to use a wipe, simply remove one from the container and gently wipe it over your face to remove makeup and impurities. You can use these wipes as a single use and then dispose.

It’s important to note that, when making your own makeup remover wipes, it’s best to use a gentle solution that won’t irritate your skin. Before using the wipes, test it on a small area of your skin to make sure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients.

How to Prepare a Makeup Remover Solution at Home

There are a variety of homemade makeup remover solutions that you can make at home using simple ingredients that you may already have on hand. One popular recipe is to mix equal parts of extra virgin olive oil and castor oil in a small container. Then, use a few drops of the solution on a cotton pad or cotton ball to gently wipe away makeup. Another recipe is to mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree, in a small container. You can then apply the mixture to a cotton pad or cotton ball and wipe away makeup as needed.

Another easy solution is using baby oil or coconut oil, apply it to your face and gently massage it into your skin, using a cotton pad or cotton ball to wipe away the makeup.

You can also make a makeup remover solution using witch hazel and aloe vera gel. Mix equal parts witch hazel and aloe vera gel in a small container and apply it to a cotton pad or cotton ball to wipe away makeup.

Lastly, you can mix carrier oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree, in a small container. You can then apply the mixture to a cotton pad or cotton ball and wipe away makeup as needed.

However, it is always advisable to do a patch test before using any of these homemade solutions on your face.

Homemade vs Store Bought Makeup Remover Wipes

Buying ready-made makeup remover wipes can be convenient as they are readily available in most stores and do not require any preparation. They are also typically formulated with ingredients that are designed to effectively remove makeup and leave the skin feeling clean and refreshed. However, some ready-made wipes can be harsh on the skin and may contain ingredients that can cause irritation or allergic reactions. Additionally, they can be expensive and may not be as eco-friendly as homemade wipes. On the other hand, homemade wipes are typically less expensive and can be customized to suit individual skin types and preferences. They also tend to be more eco-friendly as you can use reusable cloths and make the solution with ingredients that are more gentle on the skin. However, homemade wipes can be more time-consuming to prepare and may not be as effective at removing makeup as store-bought wipes.

Neutrogena Makeup Remover Facial Cleansing Towelette Singles

So, when it comes to makeup remover wipes on market, Neutrogena Makeup Remover Facial Cleansing Towelette Singles are a great option for those who are always on the go.

Neutrogena Makeup Remover Facial Cleansing Towelette Singles are pre-moistened wipes that effectively remove dirt, oil, makeup, and even waterproof mascara. These wipes are individually wrapped, making them perfect for travel, work, the gym, and on-the-go. They are formulated with a micellar-infused, triple emollient formula that leaves skin feeling conditioned and thoroughly clean with no heavy residue.

These wipes are gentle on the eyes and are ophthalmologist-, dermatologist-, and allergy-tested. They are also free of phthalates, parabens, sulfates, alcohols, soaps, or dyes. They are made with 100% plant-based fibers and are biodegradable in 35 days in home compost, making them an environmentally friendly option.

Customers have praised the wipes for their effectiveness in removing makeup and leaving skin feeling fresh. They also appreciate the convenience of the individually wrapped wipes, making them easy to take with them on the go. They are also suitable for sensitive skin and do not sting the eyes or cause irritation.

How to Properly Store and Extend the Shelf Life of Makeup Remover Wipes

Properly storing and extending the shelf life of makeup remover wipes is essential to ensure that they remain effective and hygienic for use. Here are some tips for doing so:

1. Keep the wipes sealed

Makeup remover wipes can dry out quickly, which can reduce their effectiveness and make them less comfortable to use. To prevent this, make sure to seal the package tightly after each use, to keep the wipes moist.

2. Avoid exposing to heat and light

Exposure to heat and light can cause the wipes to dry out more quickly, so it’s best to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

3. Avoid moisture

Moisture can cause makeup remover wipes to become moldy and ineffective. So, avoid storing them in damp or humid places.

4. Keep them clean

Makeup remover wipes can become contaminated with dirt and bacteria if they come into contact with surfaces that aren’t clean. Keep them in a clean and hygienic place.

5. Check the expiration date

Each makeup remover wipe package will have an expiration date. Make sure to use them before that date. If you notice any signs of spoilage, discard them immediately.

6. Use them regularly

The longer you keep makeup remover wipes, the more chance for them to dry out or get contaminated. So, try to use them regularly to avoid them getting expired or wasted.

Note: It is generally okay to use makeup wipes regularly, as long as they are formulated for daily use and you are not experiencing any negative reactions or irritation. However, it’s important to note that using makeup wipes on a daily basis can have some drawbacks. Therefore, it’s always best to use a gentle, non-irritating makeup remover, and to use them in moderation, rather than relying on them as a daily routine. Additionally, it’s also important to cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser after using makeup wipes, to remove any remaining makeup and prevent clogging of pores.

By following these tips, you can help to extend the shelf life of your makeup remover wipes and keep them in good condition for use. It’s also important to always read the instructions on the package for any specific storage instructions from the manufacturer.

The Environmental Impact of Using Makeup Remover Wipes

Makeup remover wipes have become a popular and convenient way to remove makeup, but their use also has an impact on the environment. One of the main concerns is the disposal of used wipes. These wipes are often classified as “flushable” or “disposable” which can lead to them being flushed down toilets or thrown in the trash. However, these wipes are not biodegradable and do not break down in the environment, instead they can cause blockages in sewage systems and damage to septic tanks. Even if they are disposed of properly, they can end up in landfills where they can take hundreds of years to decompose.

Another concern is the packaging of makeup remover wipes. Many products come in plastic packaging which can take hundreds of years to degrade, contributing to the plastic pollution problem. In addition, many of the ingredients used in makeup remover wipes can be harmful to the environment. Some wipes contain harsh chemicals that can be toxic to aquatic life, and if they are not disposed of properly, they can end up in rivers and oceans, where they can have a negative impact on marine life.

Lastly, the production of makeup remover wipes also has an environmental impact. The production process can release greenhouse gases and other pollutants, and the ingredients used in the wipes may be sourced from non-renewable resources.

Overall, using makeup remover wipes can be convenient and effective, but it’s important to be aware of the environmental impact they can have. Alternatives such as homemade wipes, using reusable cloths, or makeup remover liquids can be more environmentally friendly options.


In conclusion, makeup remover wipes can be a convenient and effective way to remove makeup. But it is important to use them correctly and in moderation. They may be less effective than other methods of makeup removal, and overuse can lead to dryness and irritation. It’s always a good idea to do a patch test before using them on your face, and to avoid using them around the eyes. With proper use, makeup remover wipes can be a valuable tool in any beauty routine.