Image of gorgeous pair of pinkish hibiscus flowers depicting the benefits of hibiscus tea
Image of gorgeous pair of pinkish hibiscus flowers

You may have heard of lots of tea: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, rooibos tea etc. But today we will be discussing about a herbal tea. Hibiscus tea is a type of herbal tea made from the dried flowers of the hibiscus plant. Although there are more than a hundred different kinds of hibiscus, Hibiscus sabdariffa is the one most commonly used to make hibiscus tea. This tea is a herbal tea famous as much for its gorgeous pink hue as its sweet and slightly tangy flavor. The elixir’s stunning look makes it the perfect, guilt-free alternative to additional sugary drinks. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making it a popular choice for herbal tea lovers.

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus seeds, flowers, leaves, and stalks have been used in cuisine and traditional medicine for countless years. Today, hibiscus-flavored jams, jellies, sauces, syrups, and teas are available all over the world. So, what exactly does hibiscus tea have to offer? So, here are 10 out of its great benefits.

  1. Shields from the damaging effects of free radicals
  2. Enhances the immunity system
  3. Helps fight inflammation
  4. Helps with cholesterol
  5. Lowers blood pressure
  6. Boosts liver health
  7. Supports weight loss
  8. Benefits the skin
  9. Benefits the hair
  10. Speed up wound healing

Let’s walk through each one of them in the next section.

1. Shields from the Damaging Effects of Free Radicals

Hibiscus tea’s strong antioxidant content is one of the main reasons why people drink it. Hibiscus tea is a good source of antioxidants because it is made from the calyces of the hibiscus flower, which are rich in compounds called anthocyanins. These compounds are responsible for the tea’s red color and are also powerful antioxidants. In fact, this tea has been shown to have higher levels of antioxidants than many other fruits and vegetables. By drinking this tea, you can help protect your body from the damaging effects of free radicals and potentially reduce your risk of developing certain diseases.

2. Enhances the Immunity System

Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C, which is known to support the immune system by helping to boost the production of white blood cells. Additionally, the antioxidants in this tea may help to protect against oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, both of which can weaken the immune system. Furthermore, some research suggests that the compounds in this tea may have antiviral and antimicrobial properties, which can help to prevent and fight off infections. Therefore, regularly consuming hibiscus tea may help to support a healthy immune system.

3. Helps Fight Inflammation

Hibiscus tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, and polyphenols, which help to reduce inflammation in the body. These compounds work by neutralizing free radicals and inhibiting the production of inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and prostaglandins. Additionally, this tea has been shown to lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation in the body. The anti-inflammatory effects of this tea may also help to relieve symptoms of conditions such as arthritis and asthma.

4. Helps with Cholesterol

Hibiscus tea contains high levels of antioxidants and compounds known as flavonoids, which have been shown to help lower cholesterol levels. These compounds can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract and also help the liver to break down and eliminate excess cholesterol from the body. Additionally, regular consumption of this tea may also help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, further contributing to a reduction in cholesterol levels.

5. Lowers Blood Pressure

Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, which increases the risk of significant health issues like heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and kidney disease. Hibiscus tea contains compounds that act as diuretics, which help to reduce the amount of fluid in the body and lower blood pressure. Additionally, the tea contains antioxidants that help to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, leading to a decrease in blood pressure. The tea also contains flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory effects and may help to reduce inflammation in the body, contributing to lower blood pressure. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health notes that although hibiscus and other herbal therapies do reduce blood pressure, the effect is rather minimal. They cannot replace the use of medications for people with high blood pressure who have been prescribed them.

6. Boosts Liver Health

Hibiscus tea is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals. We know that we mentioned these in the above benefits as well, but it’s not enough to describe the power of this tea. The tea also contains flavonoids, which have been shown to improve liver function and reduce inflammation in the liver. Additionally, this tea has diuretic properties, which can help the liver eliminate toxins and waste products more effectively. Overall, regular consumption of hibiscus tea may support liver health by protecting against damage and promoting healthy liver function.

7. Supports Weight Loss

Hibiscus tea has several properties that can help promote weight loss. Firstly, it is low in calories and contains no sugar, making it a suitable beverage for those trying to lose weight.

Secondly, this tea is a natural diuretic, which means it helps increase urine production and flush out excess water and toxins from the body. This can help reduce bloating and water retention, leading to a slimmer appearance.

Thirdly, hibiscus tea demonstrates a mild laxative effect, which can help improve digestion and prevent constipation. This can help support healthy weight loss by preventing the build-up of waste and toxins in the body.

Lastly, this tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. This can help boost the metabolism and support the body’s natural fat-burning processes. This can help speed up weight loss and support overall health and well-being.

8. Benefits the Skin

Hibiscus tea contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, which help to protect the skin from damaging free radicals and boost collagen production. The antioxidants in this tea also help to protect the skin from environmental stressors, such as pollution and UV radiation. Additionally, this tea is a natural diuretic, which means that it can help to flush out toxins from the body, promoting healthy hydration and skin elasticity. More fluids are consumed when you drink more tea. Your skin, which cries out for moisture and hydration, will be delighted by this. By drinking hibiscus tea regularly, you can help to maintain the skin’s natural moisture levels and keep it looking healthy and hydrated.

9. Benefits the Hair

Hibiscus tea has several benefits for hair. It helps to promote hair growth. The high vitamin C content in this tea stimulates the production of collagen, which is essential for hair growth. Hibiscus tea is rich in minerals and vitamins, including iron, calcium, and vitamin A, which help to nourish and strengthen hair. The anti-inflammatory properties of this tea help to reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. The antioxidants in this tea help to protect hair from damage and add shine and luster to hair. Moreover, the anti-fungal properties of this tea help to prevent dandruff and other scalp conditions that can cause hair loss.

10. Speed Up Wound Healing

Hibiscus tea may help to speed up wound healing due to its high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which is a key component of wound healing. Collagen helps to repair and regenerate damaged tissue, promoting faster wound healing. Additionally, hibiscus tea contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help to reduce inflammation and protect against oxidative stress, both of which are important for wound healing.

Organic Hibiscus Tea Bags from FGO

FGO offers bags with 20 or 100 tea bags each stuffed with Egyptian hibiscus flowers that are 100% raw and certified organic. Yes, Egypt is the source of this delectable hibiscus tea. Their organic hibiscus tea is superior grade and additive-free. Their tea bags have no extra strings, wrapping, or staples. It only has organic tea in bags of the highest caliber. Therefore, you may compost the tea bags and protect the environment at the same time.

“I originally bought this because I read that hibiscus tea might be helpful in lowering blood pressure, but now I’m hooked! I drink this every morning with a teaspoon of monk fruit sweetener mixed in. Healthy and Delicious!” – Happy customer

How to Brew a Delicious Cup of Hibiscus Tea?

As you are reading this article about the benefits of hibiscus tea, we hope you’d like to take a break and enjoy a delicious cup of this tea with in a cosy chair in this great climate.

To begin, fill your usual tea kettle with fresh, filtered water. Then heat the water just below boiling, or about 200 degrees. Warm your mug by adding a small amount of hot water, swirling it around, and then pouring it out.

Then, either measure 1 tsp of loose tea or drop the tea bag into your already-warmed mug. To steep the tea, add boiling water to the mug, cover with tea, and wait 5 to 7 minutes.

If using loose tea, add what you’d like once it has been properly steeped and strained. To balance the tart and bitter tastes, we suggest adding a dash of cream and honey.

Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea

Although hibiscus tea is generally safe for most people, some potential side effects may include:

  1. Stomach irritation: Hibiscus tea contains organic acids that may cause stomach irritation in some individuals.
  2. Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to hibiscus flowers and may experience allergic reactions such as hives or rashes.
  3. Interactions with medications: This tea may interact with certain medications, such as blood pressure and diabetes medications, and may cause an unwanted drop in blood pressure or blood sugar levels.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Although there is no evidence of harm, it is advisable to avoid hibiscus tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding as a precautionary measure.

It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before consuming this tea or any other herbal tea. Especially if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications.

Cautions related to Hibiscus Tea

When using hibiscus tea, it is important to take the following precautions:

  1. Consult a healthcare professional before consuming hibiscus tea or any other herbal tea, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications.
  2. Avoid consuming large amounts of hibiscus tea as it may cause stomach irritation or other adverse effects.
  3. Avoid consuming hibiscus tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as a precautionary measure.
  4. Avoid consuming hibiscus tea if you are allergic to hibiscus flowers or any other ingredient in the tea.
  5. Store hibiscus tea in a cool, dry place and follow the expiration date on the package.
  6. If you experience any adverse effects after consuming this tea, stop using it and consult a healthcare professional.


In conclusion, hibiscus tea is a delicious and healthy herbal tea with numerous health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamin C, iron, and calcium, which help to promote good health and prevent chronic diseases. Additionally, hibiscus tea has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, which can help to reduce inflammation and prevent dandruff and other scalp conditions. It can also help to lower blood pressure, aid in weight loss, and improve digestion. Overall, hibiscus tea is a great addition to any healthy lifestyle.