Image of a oolong tea in a cup of ceramic mug depicting the benefits of oolong tea
Image of a oolong tea in a cup of ceramic mug

Tea is one of the most popular and extensively consumed beverages in the world. Despite accounting for only 2% of total tea consumption worldwide, oolong tea is a combination of all the best aspects of green and black tea. Oolong tea is a classic Chinese tea. According to folklore, the Chinese termed it Wulong, which later became Oolong (black dragon) owing to the long dark and twisted shapes of the leaves.

It comes from the same plant as black and green teas, however the leaves are processed differently. The process of producing tea is known as oxidation. When tea leaves are exposed to air, they ferment. And the amount of time a tea maker allows the leaves to oxidize affects the tea’s color, flavor, and, to some extent, nutritional value. Some oolong teas are nearly totally oxidized, resembling black tea, whereas others are green and light.

In contrast to green tea, oolongs can have whole branches with leaves and buds. Flavor notes include sweet floral tones, cinnamon, ripe fruit, toasted bread, and caramel. This classic tonic has a lot to offer, and its health advantages are well worth exploring. So, keep reading to find out what they are.

Benefits of Oolong Tea

In addition to being a culinary wonder, oolong tea has a wealth of incredible health benefits. The consumption of oolong tea, like other varieties of tea, helps to reap a number of health advantages. Oolong tea, which is rich in polyphenols, theaflavins, and thearubigins, has amazing health benefits. The health benefits of oolong tea are numerous. A few of these include:

  1. Improves heart health
  2. Helps loss weight
  3. Lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes
  4. Benefits the skin
  5. Strengthens teeth and bones density

So, let’s dig deep into the above mentioned oolong tea’s therapeutic properties.

1. Improves Heart Health

All authentic teas might well be favorable to heart health. And consuming tea antioxidants on a daily basis may also enhance heart health. Oolong tea is a lot more than a self-care routine, and drinking it can help you maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system. There is a type of fat called triglycerides in our blood. It leads to arterial wall thickening, raising the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other heart disorders. However, the polyphenols in oolong tea activate an enzyme that breaks down these harmful triglycerides. Moreover, according to Chinese research, people who consumed at least 10 ounces of oolong tea per week had a lower risk of developing high cholesterol. People who had been drinking this tea for the longest time were found to have the lowest cholesterol levels.

Another thing to keep in mind is that oolong tea includes caffeine, which could possibly cause some people to have a modest increase in blood pressure or hypertension. Nevertheless, studies looking at a connection between blood pressure and caffeine have shown mixed results. So, further research is necessary before reaching any strong conclusions.

2. Helps Loss Weight

Weight loss and tea consumption have a long-standing connection. As a result, oolong tea may be the ideal solution for individuals with obesity-related health conditions. So those who are looking for safe, natural solutions to lose weight may consider this tea. According to an animal study, mice on the same high-fat, high-sugar diet who also received oolong tea extract gained less belly fat than mice on the same diet who did not. Also, the impact of oolong tea consumption on body weight was investigated in a study of overweight and obese Chinese people. Four times a day, the study subjects drank 300 millilitres of oolong tea. As a result, more than half of the individuals had shed more than 1 kilogram after 6 weeks.

Furthermore, oolong tea can deliver the same fat-burning boost as caffeine without disrupting your sleep. In fact, one small study revealed that oolong may be somewhat more effective than caffeine at making you experience the burn. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that consuming full-strength oolong tea may boost fat oxidation and energy expenditure by 12%.

It’s crucial to remember that just because tea’s caffeine, appetite-suppressing properties, and antioxidant activities have all been related to weight loss in research doesn’t always suggest that drinking a couple cups of tea a day will help you lose weight. The quantity of tea that can be safely sipped varies from person to person and depends on a number of other factors. These include underlying diseases and behaviors that are important when it comes to weight loss.

3. Lowers the Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

According to a study and meta-analysis of the literature, oolong tea may, like green tea, help in improving blood sugar regulation. Oolong tea has been reported in several studies to lower fasting blood sugar levels. As much as we previously mentioned how it helps with unwelcome weight gain and heart disease, better blood sugar control can help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. According to a Japanese study, drinking oolong tea daily for 30 days caused a staggering 30% reduction in participants’ blood sugar levels.

An American Diabetes Association report also contained similar conclusions. Oolong tea’s polyphenols may boost insulin action, directly assisting diabetics. Long-term oolong tea drinking may potentially indicate the onset of diabetes in individuals. It does not, however, enhance glucose metabolism in non-diabetic persons. According to various research, drinking three or more cups of tea per day is connected with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Surprisingly, one study discovered that working males who drank two or more cups of this tea every day had a higher risk of getting diabetes than men who drank one cup or no oolong tea per day.

4. Benefits the Skin

Oolong tea can benefit your skin, whether you’re trying to reduce breakouts or develop a healthy glow! Antioxidants included in oolong tea enhance the health, look, and complexion of the skin. Because of its cleansing abilities, it is calming for skin issues like acne, irritation, dryness, and itching. Oolong tea’s antioxidants also help the body combat free radicals, which leads to clearer, brighter, and smoother skin. Additionally, it aids in the fading of scars, discolouration, and imperfections.

Oolong tea has been shown in studies to have anti-allergic qualities and to be effective in treating skin conditions including eczema. This tea helps inhibit the inflammatory reactions that lead to eczema or atopic dermatitis as it can fight free radicals. Drinking oolong tea three times a day for six months can yield positive outcomes. Oolong tea is also abundant in vitamin C. It increases collagen formation, which keeps our skin healthy, smooth, and supple. The polyphenols in this tea are beneficial and soothing to the skin, aiding in the fight against the detrimental effects of UV radiation. Furthermore, the mineral component of this tea keeps the skin nourished, calms dryness, and makes it glow and look youthful. And besides, drinking tea can help you stay hydrated during the day.

5. Strengthens Teeth and Bones Density

Oolong tea contains antioxidants that may support strong bones and teeth. Bone mineral density is crucial for preventing osteoporosis and fractures. Once more, oolong also naturally contains calcium and magnesium, two nutrients renowned for their amazing benefits for maintaining healthy bones. Tea polyphenols may also help to improve bone density and bone toughness. According to one study, women who drank 1 to 5 cups of oolong tea per day had significantly higher bone density than women who didn’t consume tea.

Not only do your bones benefit, but so do your teeth. Consuming oolong tea before and after meals may aid in the maintenance of clean and healthy teeth. According to one study, washing your mouth with this tea extract may “substantially prevent plaque deposition.” The natural fluoride content of the oolong leaf aids in the prevention of tooth decay, the strengthening of enamel, and the prevention of cavities. Excess fluoride, on the other hand, can be dangerous. But having just under 1 liter of this tea a day is suitable as with most adults.

Bigelow Oolong Tea

When Ruth Campbell Bigelow, the founder of The Bigelow, started “Constant Comment,” the Bigelow’s tea tale actually commenced. Since 1945, when she started brewing tea in her kitchen, their family has dedicated on producing the best teas they can. Numerous innovative tea concepts and flavors have been introduced over the years. Today, they provide a variety of delectably unique tea blends, green teas, a huge assortment of herbal teas, and teas flavored with actual fruit juice.

Bigelow Tea is now the leading speciality tea company in the United States. Bigelow takes great satisfaction in offering the finest tea at the best price to the tea-drinking community. They only use freshly picked teas, authentic spices, tastes, and herbs. Few among their teas have as many as twenty distinct ingredients!

Although there is just one ingredient in this tea, Bigelow spent years searching for the ideal Oolong from a specific location of Asia. Bigelow was looking for a tea with continuous gentle undertones that would complement practically any meal. Bigelow’s is neither too dark nor too light; it’s exactly right. And because tea is a dry leaf, they take extra precautions to preserve it. They enclose their tea bags in secure packets to keep the teas fresh, as they want to protect those unique flavors. Because of this, a cup of Bigelow Tea is flavorful and enticing—truly a treat for the senses.

And here’s a heads up for tea enthusiasts who don’t have access to a kettle at work. Remember to not just putting your tea bag into the water you’re microwaving, as the tea bags do have a small metal clip at the tag end and at the bag end.

Customer Review About Bigelow Oolong Tea

“I fell in love with Bigelow’s Chinese Oolong Tea over the holidays, but couldn’t find it in my grocery stores, health food stores, Whole Foods, etc. Finally, I remembered that Amazon sells a lot more than just books. The price for the quantity is fantastic.

I know taste is subjective, but if you like a strong, dark, almost smoky oolong tea this one is top notch. I’ve tried Choice Organic Oolong Tea and Prince of Peace Organic Oolong Tea and another organic oolong tea that comes in schmancy vellum triangular tea bags, but all of them weren’t as strong as Bigelow, which isn’t organic, but is my favorite. You can still smell the tea, even when the bag is fully dried if it is about 5 feet from you, which I love.” – Happy customer on Amazon


Since ancient times, people all around the world have drunk tea, which is a wholesome beverage. As Yamamoto Soshun says, “Tea is a part of daily life. It is as simple as eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty.”.

Though this tea may unconventional to people, tea like oolong tea could potentially be healthy and beneficial. Oolong tea, is a genuinely fascinating beverage that draws on the talents of the world’s tea masters. It is not only one of the most intriguing teas to experiment with in terms of flavors and artistry, but the health advantages also make it a beverage well worth drinking on a regular basis. And remember, to boost flavonoids, you have to steep oolong tea as long as you can! You may also add some essential oils to your tea, such as bergamot, peppermint, lavender, lemon and spearmint among others, not only to enhance flavor but also to benefit your health.


Note that the information on this site is provided solely for educational purposes. It is not advisable to replace medical treatment from a health care professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the information is appropriate for them.