Image of a chamomile plant covered with flowers depicting benefits of chamomile essential oil
Image of a chamomile plant covered with flowers

Chamomile tea is most recognized for its calming and relaxing effects, but it also has healing properties. Most of us may be familiar with chamomile tea, but not with chamomile essential oil. Chamomile tea and chamomile oil both offer their own set of advantages. Chamomile oil is a good exterior agent, whilst chamomile tea is a reviving and healthful drink that works from within. You can use it both ways to get the most out of it. After all, chamomile essential oil helps to treat a variety of ailments. It has been used since ancient Egypt. The oil was used to keep Pharaohs alive in their tombs. The Nobel woman used it as a skincare treatment. Since then, the oil comes into play in a variety of culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal applications. So, in this article, let’s go over some of the most well-known chamomile oil benefits and applications.

Benefits of Chamomile oil                                       

Chamomile oil comes from the flowers of the chamomile plant. It is an ingredient you can found in soaps, cosmetics, candles, incense, medicine, and perfumes. Most manufacturers employ steam distillation to extract oil from the plants. The oil gives a sweetly smoky, herbaceous apple like aroma. Chamomile oil is commonly in use in cosmetics to promote skin health and give a variety of other benefits.

  1. Promotes sleep
  2. Heals wounds
  3. Reduces anxiety
  4. Soothes irritates skin (acne)
  5. Great for hair
  6. Promotes digestive health
  7. Anti-cancer properties
  8. Reduces anger
  9. Relieve PMS symptoms

In the following part, we’ll go over each one separately.

1. Promotes Sleep

Having trouble falling asleep is a frequent problem that many individuals have. Chamomile is a mild sedative and sleep inducing herb. For generations, Roman chamomile has been used to soothe nerves, relieve headaches, and promote relaxation. According to a study, taking chamomile twice a day improves their sleeping quality significantly. Chamomile works by targeting the same areas of the brain and neurological system as anti-anxiety medications, and it can also aid with aches and pains.

2. Heals Wounds

Chamomile is a natural antibacterial that can be used to heal wounds. Further, according to a study, it says that it kills bacteria in a wound, allowing it to recover faster. The effects of Roman chamomile extract on the healing of an infected wound in rats were studied in a 2018 study. When compared to tetracycline ointment and placebo, chamomile ointment exhibited much better wound healing and antibacterial activity.

3. Reduces Anxiety

It is a common belief that Chamomile alleviates anxiety and promotes relaxation because of its calming and sedative effects, as well as its pleasant aroma. Not only for anxiety, but also for depression.

The effects of chamomile inhalation aromatherapy on community-dwelling older people were explored in a study. Researchers discovered that the oil helped them cope with depression, anxiety, and stress.

4. Soothes Irritated Skin (Acne)

Chamomile oil helps to cure dry, irritated, and sensitive skin for generations. The oil contains several chemical compounds that have  antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, when applied to the skin, they help to reduce redness, sunburn, and acne while also soothing sensitive skin.

“It can be used as a mild astringent, which causes body tissue to contract,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, FACMS, FAAD, a board certified cosmetic dermatologist and Mohs surgeon at Shafer Clinic in New York City. “It gently kills bacteria, helps fade hyperpigmentation or red spots, and speeds up cell regeneration, which helps clear the skin.”

5. Great for hair

Chamomile oil is an excellent treatment for a variety of hair issues. It has a reputation for efficiently soothing the scalp and decreasing dandruff. It also aids in the relief of itching and discomfort associated with the condition. If you want your hair to be shiny and beautiful (like many of us), then you can simply use it as a serum after washing your mane. If you sometimes use henna, you may also add a few drops of chamomile oil to the mixture. Furthermore, you can easily substitute this for regular hair oil because it helps to nourish and hydrate your hair from the inside.

6. Promotes Digestive Health

Many people suffer from digestive issues, and having a healthy digestive system is important to your overall health. According to studies, chamomile oil aids digestion.

Two clinical trials have evaluated the efficacy of chamomile for the treatment of colic in children. In one experiment, chamomile tea was given. After 7 days of treatment, parents claimed that the tea had relieved colic in 57% of the infants, while the placebo had helped only 26%.

This indicates that chamomile oil aids digestion by lowering the risk of certain digestive problems. Such as, 

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Colic
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome

7. Anti-cancer Properties

Chamomile is a medicinal plant used in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments, including cancer. Flavonoids make up 0.5-3 percent of chamomile. After all, chamomile tea contains antioxidants that make the way to a lower risk of some cancers. Recent research strongly supports the idea that a diet rich in chamomile plant flavonoids leads to a variety of health benefits. This includes a lower chance of acquiring certain cancers.

8. Reduces Anger

Roman chamomile calms the nervous system as well as the digestive system. It can help you reduce stress, anger, and sleeplessness. Roman chamomile also contains antioxidants that can help your body repair from the cellular damage caused by anger. Roman chamomile can also assist enhance positive thinking and sensory memory by acting as an emotional trigger.

9. Relieve PMS Symptoms

Chamomile oil assists women in overcoming premenstrual and menopausal symptoms. Because of its capacity to combat stress and anxiety, it is also known to help with breast pain and mood swings. Try it for yourself by adding a few drops to your warm bath water. Roman chamomile is also useful for relieving period discomfort because of its anti-inflammatory effects. This ancient Egyptian method of treating cramps involves adding a few drops of this essential oil to a bath and soaking your feet.

Types of Sandalwood essential oil

There are two different varieties of chamomile oil,

  1. Roman chamomile
  2. German chamomile

The appearance and chemical content of the active components varies somewhat.

German Chamomile has a sweet straw scent, whereas Roman Chamomile has a light, crisp apple scent. You can use both types medicinally to calm and soften the skin, irritation, fevers, as well as the nervous and digestive systems.

Side Effects of Chamomile Essential Oil

So far, no life-threatening adverse effects or toxicity have been related to chamomile tea use. Although most people are not sensitive to chamomile, some people may experience symptoms such as:

  • An allergic response on the skin
  • Itching of the eyes
  • Reactions of hypersensitivity.
  • Nausea/Vomiting

There are warnings and precautions. Therefore it’s better to follow the guidelines. Precaution is easier than cure!

  • Breastfeeding mothers and young children should avoid using sandalwood oil.
  • It’s important to test it on a small area of skin first.

Artizen Chamomile Roman Essential Oil

If you’re seeking high-quality chamomile oil to reap some of the benefits mentioned in the article, here’s what you’ll need.

Chamomile Roman Essential Oil states guarantee that the oil is routinely tested for purity and other unique qualities in order to ensure you are buying the purest oil available. Because nowadays most of the competition dilute their oil with cheap carrier oil or even other potentially dangerous chemicals.

This essential oil is packaged in a high quality glass bottle which is infused with a UV colored coating to protect essential oils against sunlight and degradation.

They also include a high quality glass dropper to ensure that you get the exact amount of oil. Artizen Essential Oil , offers a lifetime warranty and guarantee on their product. So, if you’re unhappy with your purchase for whatever reason, they’ll replace it or refund your money. They also stand behind their oils and guarantee their quality.

How to Use Chamomile Oil?

Chamomile oil comes handy in a variety of ways.  It’s commonly known for external use in order to improve health, though the procedures vary according to your preferences.

Before applying to the skin, the oil must be diluted in a carrier oil. Here are some examples of how you can put it to use:

  1. Massage
  2. Bath oil
  3. Lotion
  4. Compress

1. Massage

It is beneficial to use chamomile in a massage since it is anti-inflammatory. You first need to mix the Chamomile oil in a carrier oil before using it. Carrier oil is a neutral, minimally processed oil. There are a variety of carrier oils available. Also remember to use oils that you aren’t allergic to such as:

  • Almond oil – Almond oil is a slightly stronger moisturizer than jojoba and grapeseed oil. It is ideal for dry, sensitive skin, including baby skin.
  • Argan oil – Argan oil is both gentle and moisturizing, scoring a zero on the comedogenic scale!
  • Coconut oil – It’s extremely hydrating and contains compounds with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Jojoba oil – Jojoba oil has a chemical structure similar to our skin’s natural oils, and it is light, non-greasy, and absorbs quickly.

2. Bath oil

You can make a DIY calming and relaxing bath oil that will help you in relaxing and preparing for bed. To begin, soak the chamomile oil. Mix the chamomile and almond oil in a small pot to save time. Heat on low for up to 10 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to steep for an hour. Remove the chamomile. Pour the almond oil into a glass jar with a funnel. Coconut oil and essential oils should be added. Now is the time to add some lemon or lavender oil if you wish to. If desired, add any additional dry herbs. To blend, tighten the cover and shake well. Splash 1–2 tablespoons under the running water while filling the tub. Allow the oils to completely disperse before getting in. Soak for no longer than 30 minutes before drying off. Please find more about this on 21ninety.

3. Lotion

1 or 2 drops of chamomile oil can be added to a body lotion or moisturizer that is perfect to apply on skin. Or you can make DIY lotion with chamomile essential oil. You’ll only need a few items to make homemade chamomile lotion, one of which being chamomile. Making chamomile infused oil, which concentrates chamomile extract in a useful form, is the first stage. The next step is to employ an emulsifier to combine the infused oil with water. Because oil and water don’t mix well, this component acts as a glue to keep them together. Finally, if desired, a few drops of chamomile essential oil and the preservative can be added. Please find more about this on Lovelygreens.

4. Compress

Herbal compresses are quick and easy herbal remedies that can help you cool down and relieve tension after a long day. They can improve skin tone, calm tired eyes, and give your face a natural glow. And having the time to lie down and relax while enjoying this herbal treatment might do wonders to your mood. To make a hot chamomile compress, soak a towel or cloth in warm water, add 1 to 2 drops of diluted chamomile oil, and apply it to an aching area like your back or stomach.

Also note that if you experience any negative side effects, you should stop using the oil.

Benefits of chamomile Oil | Conclusion

Chamomile essential oil has a sweet, Smoky aroma and it’s grown in popularity as a result of its potential health advantages. Trying this essential oil will not only provide you with the benefits listed above, but it will also without a doubt make a huge difference in your life! So go ahead and add another essential oil to your collection and see what a difference it makes.

Finally, if you’d like to know about other essential oils and useful oils, don’t hesitate to read our articles about sandalwood oil, rosehip oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemongrass oil, camphor oil, castor oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, tea tree oil, hemp seed oil, coconut oil etc.


Note that the information on this site is provided solely for educational purposes. It is not advisable to replace medical treatment from a health care professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the information is appropriate for them.