Image of orange slices and orange essential oil bottles depicting benefits of orange essential oil
Image of orange slices and orange essential oil bottles

One of the most well-known and extensively utilized essential oils is orange essential oil. It’s also popular as sweet orange essential oil, and it comes from the orange fruit, as you might assume. However, it is derived from the peels of the fruit rather than the pulp. It’s made using a technique called cold compression, which removes the oil from the peel and makes it useful. The orange plant’s leaves and flowers can also be used on occasion. It has numerous health and beauty advantages. It has all of the nutrients and chemical components found in oranges, but in a more concentrated form. So, now that you know that, what are the benefits of orange essential oil? Please continue reading. We’ll answer and show you how to use this essential oil in your everyday life.

Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

Oranges are high in nutrients, which is why they are so beneficial to one’s health. In 100 grams of orange essential oil, you’ll find:

  • 47 calories
  • 0.1 grams of fat out of which there is no saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, or monounsaturated fat in it.
  • No cholesterol or sodium
  • 181 mg of potassium
  • 12 grams of carbohydrate, out of which there is 2.4 grams of dietary fiber and 8 grams of sugar
  • 0.9 grams of proteins

In addition, it is high in some minerals. It contains 88% of the daily necessary vitamin C dosage, 5% of vitamin B-6, 2% of magnesium, 4% of vitamin A, and 4% of calcium.

Orange essential oil’s high antioxidant and organic component concentration may make it extremely useful and valuable. It could be useful for a variety of things to improve your general health and beauty, including:

  1. Treats spasms
  2. Sedative effects
  3. Relieves inflammation
  4. Boosts libido
  5. Glowing skin
  6. Prevents infections
  7. Anti-cancer properties
  8. Weight loss
  9. Boosts digestion

Let’s get to know them in detail,

1. Treats Spasms

Spasms can be treated using orange essential oil. A spasm is an involuntary muscular contraction that can occur anywhere on the body and can be mild or severe. They can cause damage and pain to your organs or system. Constant coughing, convulsions, muscle cramps, and diarrhea are only a few of the symptoms of spasms. So, spasms must be treated or prevented as soon as possible to avoid severe side effects. Orange essential oil can help with this by relaxing muscle and nervous spasms.

2. Sedative Effects

Sedative effects are present in orange essential oil. This means it can support you in relaxing and calming. When you need to relax after a long day at work or if you’re suffering from inflammation, a natural sedative like orange oil could be the answer. It can relieve anxiety, stress, and depression while also allowing you to relax completely. Moreover, this essential oil will help you relax and fall asleep if you experience insomnia or simply have difficulties sleeping. A study published in the journal Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry suggests that this oil has an anxiolytic effect. You can add 8-10 drops of orange essential oil to your bath water to help relieve stress caused by seasonal affective disorder, depression, and premenstrual syndrome.

3. Relieves Inflammation

Orange essential oil may help to relieve inflammation quickly and effectively. It treats both internal and exterior inflammation caused by a range of factors like hot foods, fever, infections, gas, medications, opioids, swallowing toxic substances, or any other irritants. It is also externally beneficial to muscles and joints, and it’s especially good for getting rid of knee pain. Because of this impact, it can aid with mild rheumatoid and arthritis.

4. Boosts Libido

Orange essential oil may have aphrodisiac qualities in small doses. Though not as potent as some other essential oils on the market, such as myrrh oils, this essential oil can provide you with similar advantages in lesser doses. Frozenness, erectile dysfunction, impotence, lack of interest in sex, and lower libido can all be addressed with systematic and frequent use. As a result, this orange essential oil might assist in re-igniting the flames.

5. Glowing Skin

Orange essential oil can improve the appearance of your skin. This oil helps deliver critical nutrients to the skin and gives it a healthy glow by increasing blood flow to the skin. When administered topically, its antibacterial characteristics may help you avoid acne. The oil has an astringent effect on the skin, which helps to constrict pores and control sebum production. When applied topically, orange essential oil promotes clarity, brightness, and smoothness, eliminating the indications of acne and other unpleasant skin problems. All skin types can benefit from orange oil. However, before using any essential oil on your skin, we strongly recommend performing a patch test.

6. Prevents Infections

Orange essential oil has high antibacterial qualities and is useful for preventing bacteria from growing and spreading on cuts, wounds, and bruises. This aids in the prevention of bacterial infections. It is quite effective at protecting your body from all types of germs. Dr. Steven Ricke et al. of the University of Arkansas in the United States did a study that may shed insight on the antistaphylococcal capabilities of orange essential oil. While its antibacterial activity helps prevent wounds from becoming infected, its strong antioxidant concentration can also encourage healthy collagen formation for speedier wound healing.

7. Anti-cancer Properties

Orange essential oil, according to a 2021 study, has antioxidants that can help your body fight disease-causing free radicals. In principle, this essential oil could slow or kill cancer cells. Orange essential oil was also discovered to prevent the growth of lung and prostate cancer cell lines in a 2017 study. In addition, the lung cancer cell line showed enhanced cell death. This essential oil also has antioxidant properties. However, further research is necessary to determine whether this is true.

8. Weight Loss

Orange essential oil microcapsules were tested on rats fed a high-fat diet in two recent animal trials. A 2019 rat study looked into whether this essential oil could help lose weight. Obese rats given orange essential oil capsules had less weight gain and reduced cholesterol, according to the researchers. In another study, this essential oil preserved the gut lining and lowered gut toxins, resulting in decreased inflammation and weight loss. More research is necessary, however, to see if orange essential oil has the same effect on humans.

9. Boosts Digestion

Orange essential oil has tonic properties. Because it possesses stimulating properties, it is incredibly beneficial to the body. These qualities of orange oil ensure that specific organs emit the appropriate amounts of hormones and enzymes at the appropriate times. Orange oil can help with digestion by acting as an anti-inflammatory, relaxant, and circulation booster. It can also help with cramps and other stomach aches. Massage 3-4 drops of orange essential oil into the abdomen area with 1 tablespoon of olive carrier oil to promote digestion. This will increase the release of digestive enzymes, which will enhance digestion and, as a result, avoid or relieve gas and constipation. Because orange oil has diuretic characteristics, massaging it into the stomach encourages the evacuation of toxins, particularly from the digestive tract, while also activating the bladder and lymphatic system.

How to make Orange Oil?

Making orange essential oil, contrary to popular belief, may necessitate the use of the peels rather than the fruit itself. Firstly, peel and dry the oranges. Grind the peels in a food processor and reheat some grain alcohol on the stove. Then pour the grain alcohol over the orange peels that have been crushed. Before filtering the mixture, give it a good shake and let it sit for 2-3 days. There you go! Orange essential oil is now available.

What Is the Best Place to Purchase Orange Essential Oil?

Orange essential oil is available at a variety of natural health and whole food stores, as well as online stores such as Amazon. (Continue reading to learn more about one of the top orange essential oils available on the market.) Fortunately, it is likely to be both affordable and effective!

Cliganic Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil

So, if you are looking forward to buying a quality and best orange essential oil in the market, Cliganic Organic Sweet Essential Oil may be the answer for you. This organic orange oil is USDA certified. The USDA’s tight inspection maintains the quality of these essential oils, ensuring that they are truly 100 percent organic. It is additive-free, alcohol-free, fragrance-free, and not diluted. Cliganic works hard to produce high-quality items that fulfill the needs of their clients. And they guarantee everything they produce. So, if you’re not fully satisfied with your purchase, Cliganic will gladly replace it or refund your money. This is a multifunctional essential oil that may be used in an aromatherapy diffuser and has numerous additional uses and advantages that are detailed in this article. Cliganic organic essential oils are also manufactured in the United States to the highest standards.

Side Effects and Cautions Related to Orange Essential Oil

Orange oil is known for being both non-toxic and non-irritating. However, it is not advisable to ingesting essential oils, according to NAHA rules. Before using Orange Essential Oil for medical reasons, it is important to get medical advice.

Also, when applying orange oil to the skin, make sure you dilute it within its dermal limitations with a carrier oil of your preference. Essential oils must not make up more than 1% of the overall mixture. Always perform a patch test to see if you are allergic to orange oil. Dermatitis and skin inflammation are two potential side effects that can occur if the oil is used undiluted.

You should avoid sun exposure once o you apply orange oil topically since it has phototoxic properties. This implies that it amplifies the effects of UV exposure, potentially leading to skin irritation such as blisters, burns, scabs, redness, and changes in skin color. To avoid photosensitivity, persons who apply Orange Oil topically should wait 72 hours before going outside for extended periods of time, particularly in warm climates.

If you have an allergic response, stop using the product and visit a doctor, pharmacist, or allergist right away for a health evaluation and proper treatment. Consult a medical expert before using to avoid these adverse effects. Those with health concerns such as cancer, heart disease, liver damage, or skin disorders should be given extra attention.


Apart from orange fruit, we hope this article taught you about the benefits of orange essential oil. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all essential oil that will work for one person but not for another. It’s a good idea to experiment with a few different essential oils and pay attention to your body to see which blends work best for you. So why not try adding another essential oil to your arsenal and see how it affects your overall health?

Finally, if you’d like to know about other essential oils and useful oils, don’t hesitate to read our articles about sandalwood oil, rosehip oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemongrass oil, chamomile oil, camphor oil, castor oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, tea tree oil, hemp seed oil, turmeric oil, coconut oil etc.


Note that the information on this site is provided solely for educational purposes. It is not advisable to replace medical treatment from a health care professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the information is appropriate for them.