Image of a oregano plant depicting the benefits of thyme essential oil
Image of oregano plant

Oregano is a small flowering shrub in the mint family that is native to Mediterranean Europe and Western Asia. The leaves and shoots of the plant are air dried to produce oregano essential Oil. The oil is removed and condensed by steam distillation after they have dried.

Oregano is originally used as a culinary herb, imparting a strong herbaceous flavor and scent to foods. It is also known as wild marjoram. The potent compound carvacrol, which makes up a significant portion of oregano essential oil, contributes to the oil’s warming effects when applied directly to the skin. Also, Terpenoids, Terpenes, and Phenols are other substances found in oregano. They are the source of its scent and have potent antioxidant effects.

Oregano essential oil needs to be diluted before being applied to the skin since it causes the skin to feel heated. Your favorite culinary creations benefit from the delightful, savory flavor that oregano adds. When used as a dietary supplement, it might also help the immune and digestive systems.

Despite all these facts, oregano essential oil is abundant with a number of beneficial properties that benefit us, and let’s talk about it in the next sections.

Benefits of Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano essential oil has long been used for infectious disorders since it is a potent immune-boosting oil. Oregano essential oils are well known for their antibacterial qualities, in addition to being antiviral and antifungal. However, current research has shown that these substances are also effective as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-antioxidant, and anti-diabetic agents. The food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries may be interested in the qualities of oregano essential oils. Here are 10 of the best justifications for adding Oregano Essential Oil to your collection of essential oils. So, let us take a closer look at those health benefits and other advantages below.

  1. A natural antibiotic
  2. Strong antioxidant
  3. Could assist in lowering cholesterol
  4. Could help with intestinal health
  5. Could be anti-inflammatory
  6. Might aid with pain relief
  7. Might be able to combat cancer
  8. Might aid in weight loss
  9. Might aid in the treatment of fungi infections.
  10. Mending injuries

So, let’s get to know them one by one in detail.

1. A natural antibiotic

Numerous studies depict that hazardous antibiotics can be replaced with oregano oil for a variety of health issues. The oregano essential oil has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties, thanks to carvacrol and thymol. They prevent dangerous bacteria from multiplying and potentially infecting people. According to a recent study, carvacrol is helpful to combat the infections due to two bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis that multiply too quickly inside the body.

According to a recent study, oregano oil and silver nanoparticles together efficiently killed most of the microorganisms. However, one way to benefit from this antibiotic property of oregano essential oil is by ingesting oregano oil supplements or applying it to the skin.

2. Strong Antioxidant

Oregano Essential Oil is a strong antioxidant. Antioxidants aid in defending the body against damage brought on by free radicals and oxidative stress. Cell death and increased DNA damage are two outcomes of oxidative stress. Oxidation may also have an effect on other illnesses such as arthritis and atherosclerosis.

Strong antioxidants like thymol and carvacrol may help lessen oxidation.

The antioxidant activity of oregano oil, that comes in cosmetics, is famous for fighting the appearance of aging and producing skin that is clear and smooth. It can therefore clear up acne and make the skin look more radiant.

3. Could Assist in Lowering Cholesterol

Increases in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and decreases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were substantially greater in the oregano essential oil supplementation group while indicating that oregano oil supplementation can lower cholesterol levels in the body. The primary components of oregano oil that reduce the body’s cholesterol levels are carvacrol and thymol.

4. Could Help with Intestinal Health

By eliminating intestinal parasites and preventing leaky gut syndrome, oregano essential oil may enhance digestive health. By calming the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract and balancing the number of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the gut, oregano oil can aid with digestion. Thymol helps to relax the stomach’s and throat’s soft tissues, which can lessen heartburn and other post-meal discomforts.

5. Could be Anti-inflammatory

Numerous harmful health outcomes are due to inflammation in the body. A recent study found that there is an anti-inflammatory capability in oregano essential oil. The active ingredients in oregano oil that reduce inflammation are carvacrol and thymol.

6.  Might Aid with Pain Relief

According to some research, Oregano oil may work well to ease the pain. The effectiveness of oregano extract as a painkiller was recently discovered by a study on rats and mice. In addition, as the animals consumed more, they had more pain relief, according to their dose-dependent findings.

7. Might be Able to Combat Cancer

Oregano oil reportedly has cancer-fighting properties, according to certain research. Research has shown that oregano essential oil inhibits the growth of various breast and colon cancers. Additionally, the oregano oil seems to slow down some prostate and lung cancer cells. Carvacrol suppresses the growth of cancer cells and kills them in breast, liver, and lung cancer cells.

8. Might Aid in Weight Loss

The carvacrol content of Oregano oil is helpful for weight loss. Carvacrol obstructs some steps in the process that leads to the production and accumulation of fat tissues.

9.  Might Aid in Treating Fungal Infections

Because of the significant amount of thymol present, oregano oil also appears to be an effective antifungal agent. For fungal-based candida infections, thymol is a helpful treatment. Infections caused by candida include oral thrush, yeast infections, infected nails, etc.

10. Mending Injuries

The presence of thymol and carvacrol in Oregano Oil helps to shield a wound from bacterial infections. Applying diluted oregano oil to the skin can help protect minor skin injuries while they heal.

Oregano Essential Oil from MAJESTIC PURE Store

Majestic Pure is a therapeutic-grade, all-natural oregano oil from Albania that is unfiltered, undiluted, and free of fillers. It is also non-toxic. It comes with a luxury glass dropper. Fresh oregano leaves are steam distilled to produce Majestic Pure and natural medicinal grade oregano essential oil. The oregano plant is indigenous to higher elevations and typically thrives in mountains, hence its name “Oregano,” which translates to “Delight of the Mountains”. Colors range from dark yellow to light brown in oregano oil. It smells herbaceous, warm, and spicy. Bergamot, chamomile, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, and oregano essential oils all go well together. Only for topical use; must be diluted with a carrier oil before application.

“I used full strength oil of oregano years ago when I took a trip to Asia after a devastating earthquake. I took my 1:10 mixture of oregano oil with me.. All of the ladies in my group took the drop under the tongue and we were able to work without getting sick. The men with us didn’t want to take it. When they started getting sick, they begged for it.” – Happy customer

“I use a few drops into a basin of warm water for daily skin cleansing; after a years time of use I notice a big difference. I will continue using the Oregano. Thanks Majestic” – Happy customer

How to Use Oregano Essential Oil

You can use oregano essential oil internally, apply it topically, or diffuse it. Oregano oil soft gels and capsules are additional forms that are okay to consume orally. The ailment you are treating will determine how much oil of oregano you need to take. Oral supplementation of emulsified oregano is typically 600 mg per day in capsule form. Always check with your doctor to see if oregano oil is safe to take internally for your unique condition because it may interact with other medications.

Always blend oregano essential oil with a carrier oil first, before applying it to your skin. Diluting the oil lowers the chance of irritability and unpleasant responses. If you want to apply it topically, combine three drops of undiluted oregano oil with a tiny amount of your carrier oil. Then rub it into the skin over the afflicted area.

Following are some useful tips for different health conditions.

1. For staph infection

Include a carrier oil and 3 drops of oregano oil in a pill or in your preferred food or drink. For a maximum of 10 days, take it twice daily.

2. For fungal and candida growth

You can create a DIY antifungal powder to apply topically if you have toenail fungus. Sprinkle the powder onto your feet after combining the ingredients with around 3 drops of oregano oil. Take 2 to 4 drops orally, twice daily, for up to 10 days.

3. For intestinal worms

For a maximum of ten days, consume oregano oil internally.

Cautions Related to Oregano Essential Oil

Due to its potency, oregano essential oil is usually best to take internally for a maximum of two weeks. Always dilute oregano oil with water or combine it with coconut oil before ingesting it.

To minimize burning the throat, it’s beneficial to blend oregano oil and olive oil in capsules. When applying oregano essential oil externally, it is advisable to carry out a small patch test first and always use a carrier oil to prevent adverse skin reactions from the application of oregano. Never put oregano essential oil near your eyes, inner nose, or any other delicate skin area.

Pregnant women mus avoid using oregano essential oil as it may cause menstruation that could be harmful for the fetus. Moreover, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and who insist on using it are advised to first seek the advice of a doctor. Anyone with high blood pressure, heart issues, cancer, liver damage, epilepsy, or any other medical condition should refrain from using this. Always keep the oil out of kids’ reach when storing it.

Side Effects Related to Oregano Essential Oil

Stop using oregano oil immediately and think about contacting a doctor if you ever suffer any negative effects, such as nausea, vertigo, or an allergic response.

Oregano Essential Oil Ι Conclusion

We truly hope you learned something new from this post on oregano essential oil. Not all essential oils function in the same way. Experiment with a few different essential oil blends to find the one that works best for you. So, why not experiment with another essential oil and see how it impacts your overall health and appearance?

Finally, if you’d like to know about other essential oils and useful oils, don’t hesitate to read our articles about sandalwood oil, rosehip oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemongrass oil, chamomile oil, orange oil, camphor oil, castor oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, cypress oil, tea tree oil, hemp seed oil, turmeric oil, coconut oil, thyme oil, cedarwood oil, mandarin oil, clary sage oil, carrot seed oil, niaouli oil etc.


Note that the information on this site is provided solely for educational purposes. It is not advisable to replace medical treatment from a health care professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the information is appropriate for them.