Image of a bunch of rose geranium flowers with sprinkled water droplets depicting the benefits of rose geranium essential oil
Image of a bunch of rose geranium flowers with sprinkled water droplets

Rose geranium essential oil was first obtained through steam distillation in France and introduced to Europe in the 17th century. Its qualities are almost identical to those of geranium essential oil, making them quite similar. Due to the floral undertones in its aroma, it is often thought of as the richer oil. From rose geranium, rose geranium essential oil is made. But rose geranium, a variety of the plant, has a rich rose scent. As a result, other names for it include old-fashioned rose geranium and rose-scented geranium. It costs a little more than other geranium oils. But it is still considerably less expensive than real rose oils, making it particularly suitable if you’re looking for an extraordinarily clear, rose note. The leaves and stalks of the rose geranium plant are steam distilled to obtain the essential oil.

Some folks use rose geranium essential oil for a variety of medical, cosmetic, and homeopathic purposes. To learn more about the uses and benefits of rose geranium essential oil, continue reading.

Benefits of Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Rose geranium essential oil is popular for its potent anti-depressant, astringent, and deodorant properties. Native Americans used geranium roots for tonics to tone the skin. They were also aware of the different rose geranium effects that were believed to ward off evil spirits centuries ago. For many years, people have used rose geranium as a medicinal plant, especially in North Africa and the Middle East. This essential oil plays a significant part in aromatherapy. It aids in the treatment of restlessness, stress, and other similar negative driver behavior. It also comes into play as a flavoring component in numerous important food categories, alcoholic beverages, and soft drinks. Even in the cosmetics sector, there are numerous uses for rose geranium essential oil. When making fragrances, toiletries, and other products, rose geranium essential oil is thought to be the key component.

And, here are 5 benefits of rose geranium essential oil that we’ll be discussing in today’s article.

  1. Assist for mental wellbeing
  2. Antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal effects
  3. Great for skincare
  4. Pleasant fragrance
  5. Relieves muscle cramps, sores, and aches

Let’s get to know each one in detail.

1. Assist for Mental Wellbeing

Some studies have demonstrated that the aroma of rose from the rose flower can improve relaxation, provide pain relief, and ease anxiety. Given that rose geranium smells like roses is believed to provide a calming sedative effect that fosters higher emotions of relaxation, emotional stability, and confidence. The advantages of rose geranium essential oil are therefore known to calm the brain and central nervous system when diffused and inhaled. Additionally, it might relieve stress. For instance, a research trial revealed that geranium essential oil had a calming effect when it was inhaled by labouring mothers. It also aids in easing labour-related anxiety.

Diffuse some rose geranium essential oil in your home to assist in the care of these conditions. This easy technique has a reputation for reviving a weary body and stimulating a weary mind. Here are some of the essential oils that can be blended in with rose geranium essential oil to increase its calming effects:

Uplifting citrusy essential oils

  • Bergamot
  • Citronella
  • Grapefruit
  • Lime
  • Orange

Floral essential oils

  • Jasmine
  • Lavender
  • Rose

Earthy essential oils

  • Angelica root
  • Carrot seed
  • Cedarwood

Herbaceous essential oils

  • Rosemary
  • Tulsi

Simply dilute rose geranium essential oil in distilled water. Then mix it with a few drops of the listed essential oils to create an aromatherapy room spray with similar benefits.

2. Antimicrobial, Antibacterial, and Antifungal Effects

The antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal effects of rose geranium essential oil are very strong. Indeed, it offers defence against 24 different bacterial and fungal species. Moreover, certain food products made by the food service industry use rose geranium oil as a natural preservative.

Rose geranium essential oil may serve as a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi (aka antibacterial), according to an exploratory study published in 2012. A 2017 review of studies revealed that rose geranium can lower the bacterial, fungus, and viruses that cause infections and skin diseases. Another study even revealed that the essential oil can effectively combat bacterial strains in a way similar to that of the antibiotic amoxicillin.

So, to avoid infection, apply one or two drops of the essential oil mixed with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, to the affected region.

To treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot, add 5 to 10 drops of rose geranium essential oil to warm water. Two times a day, soak your feet in the water.

3. Great for Skincare

Although rose geranium essential oil has many health advantages, its potent astringent and anti-inflammatory effects are what make it so popular.

It is generally popular that antioxidants are effective natural remedies for enhancing your skin’s potential to recover from exposure to environmental pollutants and damage. Rose geranium oil is therefore a component of certain cosmetics, including lotions and perfumes. It has been shown to promote faster scar and blemish fading when used in natural body care formulations, as well as to relieve the signs of acne, eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections, and rashes. Additionally, it possess potent cellular regeneration abilities that can tone the skin and give it a radiant glow.

The antioxidant properties of rose geranium oil may help minimize the appearance of aging, according to a 2017 study of studies. This is because rose geranium oil helps with the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by tightening and preserving the skin when applied topically.

So, why not try rose geranium essential oil and maintain your youthful glow? All you have to do is add this amazing essential oil to your skincare routine. We have suggested 2 ways to do so:


You can use rose geranium essential oil as a skin serum by diluting it with a carrier oil. This is excellent for those who want to reduce the look of fine wrinkles, pigmentation, and scars. Use a cotton ball to apply this solution to the affected area(s), then wait for the serum to penetrate into the skin. After applying it carefully for a week or two, you will start to notice that the signs of aging are fading.


Making your own natural skin moisturizer using rose geranium oil might help those who want to hydrate and nurture their skin. Just add a few drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil to a base moisturizer.

4. Pleasant Fragrance

The classic rose and rose geranium both have a similar fragrance with a few slight variations. It is a gentler and less expensive alternative to rose oil. But it cannot be used to enhance the cutaneous limitations of the rose aroma.

Both have the powerful, sweet, floral scent that we are all familiar with, but the rose geranium adds a tinge of citrus and green. It can therefore be ideal for perfumes that are more suited to men. As a middle or heart note, rose geranium falls balance the top and base notes and offer longer-lasting fragrances. Essential oils like bergamot, clary sage, jasmine sambac, juniper, rose, rosemary, and sweet basil pair nicely with the scent of rose geranium.

You can feel secure knowing that the components are healthy and produced sustainably by making your own natural deodorant using essential oils. Commercial deodorants from stores are typically laden with a variety of chemicals. It’s not always healthy for the body to consume certain chemicals. Therefore, you might use rose geranium essential oil for these deodorants. This will keep your underarms clean and odour-free because the essential oil is antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal. When applying the oil to the underarm region, mix 2 to 3 drops of rose geranium oil with a carrier oil first.

5. Relieves Muscle Cramps, Sores, and Aches

Rose geranium essential oil may provide comfort for those who are weary after an intense morning workout or from staying in one place for too long. The oil may be able to relieve and soothe cramps, sores, and aches when used as massage oil. Given the evidence supporting rose geranium’s benefits for the skin and mind, it should be clear why it would be a wonderful addition to massage oils.

By blending rose geranium essential oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or fractionated coconut, or base massage oil, you can make your own rose geranium-infused massage oil. After that, massage the skin and allow the soothing oil to relax and calm you. For those looking to alleviate soreness and inflammation in their muscles, this will be a relief!

Gya Labs Rose Geranium Essential Oil

If you don’t possesses sufficient understanding of essential oils, selecting the best geranium essential oil might be difficult or even impossible. Because of this, we’ve decided to provide a valuable geranium essential oil in this article to make it simpler for you to choose and save time on worthless products.

Rose geranium essential oil from Gya Labs is completely pure and all-natural for skin. Their geranium essential oil is the finest rose geranium oil because it is free of chemicals, undiluted, and filtered. So, anyone who wants youthful, dewy skin can use their rose geranium essential oil, worry free, that is organic. To assure purity, the essential oils for rose geranium come in a 10ml amber bottle.

You’ll be glad to learn that their geranium oil is certified cruelty-free and has not been tested on animals. Furthermore, you have 365 days to contact Gya Labs for a complete refund if you’re not happy with their rose geranium essential oils.

“I usually buy only “young living” products – which are absolutely trustworthy and amazing! However, I wanted to see what an alternative “pure product” would be like. I’m not sure about the level of quality of this oil, whether it is a grade one, two, three, etc., but it smells amazing, and it seems to brighten my skin. I use this oil, along with others for my face, décolletage, arms, legs… Basically any place that needs some attention! I place grapeseed oil and Jojoba Oil, eight drops each, in my hand as the primary base carrier oils.” – Happy customer on Amazon

Cautions and Side Effects Related to Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Rose geranium oil is usually safe to apply topically, inhale, or diffuse for those who aren’t sensitive to it. Since many essential oils are toxic, they are not intended to be ingested.

A skin test is advisable before using rose geranium essential oil. For this, simply mix 1 drop of the essential oil with 4 drops of a carrier oil. Then apply a dime-sized amount of the resulting blend to a tiny, inoffensive region of skin. Never use rose geranium oil to the inside parts of the nose, ears, or any other area of the body that is very sensitive. Rashes and burning are two possible side effects of rose geranium oil.

Before using this oil for medicinal purposes, you must consult with a doctor. Because rose geranium oil may affect some hormone secretions and it is unknown whether these effects will be passed on to new-borns at certain developmental stages, pregnant and nursing women are strongly advised against using it without a doctor’s permission. Always keep the oil out of reach of young children, especially those under the age of seven. Additionally, you should never substitute rose geranium oil for a prescription medication that your doctor has prescribed for you.


There is a good reason why rose geranium is so well-liked for topical and aromatic uses. Without a doubt, among many other essential oils, rose geranium is a fantastic oil with an earthy and floral scent. Regardless of the precise advantages or methods of action, many of us may agree that rose geranium oil’s origins and perfume are one of a kind. This essential oil has a flowery perfume that is sweet-smelling and is ideal for people who want more classic, delicate scents with rosy undertones. So, why not give it a shot and add this essential oil to your collection as well? Being a joyful and calming scent, it produces a lovely heart note that gives blends a sentimental softness.

Finally, if you’d like to know about other essential oils and useful oils, don’t hesitate to read our articles about sandalwood oil, rosehip oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemongrass oil, chamomile oil, orange oil, camphor oil, castor oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, cypress oil, tea tree oil, hemp seed oil, turmeric oil, coconut oil, thyme oil, cedarwood oil, mandarin oil, clary sage oil, carrot seed oil, niaouli oil, black pepper essential oil, ginger oil, eucalyptus oil, citronella oil etc.


Note that the information on this site is provided solely for educational purposes. It is not advisable to replace medical treatment from a health care professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the information is appropriate for them.